BGR-34 an innovative approach of Narendra Modi's make in India

Feb 29 , 2016


Aimil Healthcare

BGR-34 an innovative approach of Narendra Modi's make in India

Prime Minister‬, Shri Narendra Modi has started an innovative approach make In ‪India‬. ‎BGR-34‬ is one of the part of this plan. What is BGR-34? BGR-34 is a ‪blood‬ ‪Glucose‬ ‎Regulator‬ made up with 34 vital ‪nutrients‬. This is a best and unique invention in the field of ‪diabetes‬. This medicine was jointly developed by two CSIR laboratories, the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (‪CIMAP‬), and was licensed to Delhi-based ‎Aimil Pharmaceuticals‬ (I) Ltd for commercialization. This medicine has proved an effective in field of diabetes. Several diabetics see positive results after taking this medicine.

 BGR-34, an innovative approach of CSIR in field of Diabetes

CSIR, India has played an important role in Mr Prime Minister Make in India Scheme by launching BGR-34. This medicine to be taken as an add-on or adjuvant to existing diabetes treatment helps in maintaining normal blood glucose levels, in addition to improving the immune system, releasing antioxidants and checking free radicals. BGR-34 isn’t the first herbal drug for diabetes to hit the market. But it is different from existing ‪herbal drugs‬ as it is scientifically tested and made from four commonly available plant extracts like ‪gurmar leaves‬ which make it commercially viable.

This new ‪medicine‬ could help ‎diabetics‬ save Rs 10,000 per year. I really appreciate the efforts of Mr Prime Minister and ‎CSIR‬ who has contributed in the field of diabetes. Main aim behind launching this medicine is expected to rise to 592 million ‪globally‬ with 109 million in India by 2035. This the formulation was launched earlier by the ‪BJP‬ member & ‪Vice President‬ Mohammad Hamid Ansari in February last year at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, but on Sunday, the product was launched commercially.


  • 29 Feb 2016 A.BALAGOPALAN

    Could your esteemed firm kindly arrange to send 2 bottles(200 Nos) through VPP.

  • 29 Feb 2016 A.BALAGOPALAN

    Could your esteemed firm kindly arrange to send 2 bottles(200 Nos) through VPP.

  • 29 Feb 2016 timo123

    Cut out that refined sugar. Booze is a no no. Exercise.
    Manage diabetes and it doesn’t have to take too much fun out of life.

  • 29 Feb 2016 Medi

    This is great news and a revolution, thanks to the scientists.

  • 29 Feb 2016 pankaj

    I am a diabetic type 1 since last 40 years and was under medication. But since 3 months, I am on insulin Novolog 70/30 insulin asphalt, and I am Injecting (Felix Pen) 41 units in the morning before breakfast and 13 units before dinner. But my blood glucose is always high before dinner and before bed. I almost measure every day. I wonder what the maximum unit is that can be consumed per day, I assume it is 1 unit/kg of the total weight of your body.

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