BGR-34 an innovative approach of Narendra Modi's make in India

Feb 29 , 2016


Aimil Healthcare

BGR-34 an innovative approach of Narendra Modi's make in India

Prime Minister‬, Shri Narendra Modi has started an innovative approach make In ‪India‬. ‎BGR-34‬ is one of the part of this plan. What is BGR-34? BGR-34 is a ‪blood‬ ‪Glucose‬ ‎Regulator‬ made up with 34 vital ‪nutrients‬. This is a best and unique invention in the field of ‪diabetes‬. This medicine was jointly developed by two CSIR laboratories, the CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (‪CIMAP‬), and was licensed to Delhi-based ‎Aimil Pharmaceuticals‬ (I) Ltd for commercialization. This medicine has proved an effective in field of diabetes. Several diabetics see positive results after taking this medicine.

 BGR-34, an innovative approach of CSIR in field of Diabetes

CSIR, India has played an important role in Mr Prime Minister Make in India Scheme by launching BGR-34. This medicine to be taken as an add-on or adjuvant to existing diabetes treatment helps in maintaining normal blood glucose levels, in addition to improving the immune system, releasing antioxidants and checking free radicals. BGR-34 isn’t the first herbal drug for diabetes to hit the market. But it is different from existing ‪herbal drugs‬ as it is scientifically tested and made from four commonly available plant extracts like ‪gurmar leaves‬ which make it commercially viable.

This new ‪medicine‬ could help ‎diabetics‬ save Rs 10,000 per year. I really appreciate the efforts of Mr Prime Minister and ‎CSIR‬ who has contributed in the field of diabetes. Main aim behind launching this medicine is expected to rise to 592 million ‪globally‬ with 109 million in India by 2035. This the formulation was launched earlier by the ‪BJP‬ member & ‪Vice President‬ Mohammad Hamid Ansari in February last year at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, but on Sunday, the product was launched commercially.


  • 29 Feb 2016 Chanelle

    I have type 1 Diabetes, I was 15 years old at the time I found out. I had just got over tonsilitis when suddenly I became thirsty (constantly needing a large glass of water) peeing non-stop (clear with no color), and lost about 30 pounds in four weeks. I had blurred vision and would wet the bed without knowing it. My body attacked my pancreas instead of fighting of the tonsilitis infection!

  • 29 Feb 2016 Lauren

    When I got diabetes at 22 I had weight loss, no energy and was thirsty all the time. I also could not eat and was never hungry.

  • 29 Feb 2016 Aamir John

    Ayurvedic herbal treatments are usually safe and well-tolerated when prescribed by a qualified and knowledgeable. BGR-34 is a holistic and natural medicine that causes no side-effects and has many side-benefits and it has medically proved by the CSIR. I personally used this medicine for my mother in law. She doesn’t suffer any problems or any other side effects. It is really shameful that people spreads such rubbish things about this medicine.

  • 29 Feb 2016 sahadeo padhye

    I am also suffering from Diabetes since last 8 years… and i was using Glimy- M a Allopathic medicine since last one and half years. Now i am using BGR-34 since last 6 days and have no any side effect…

  • 29 Feb 2016 Vijay Sharma

    My wife is taking bgr 34 since 3 months and her fasting and pp glucose levels are 110-125 constantly and she has stopped doze of allopathic medicine in the evening and results are very good. She have no side effects of any kind and strongly recommend this medicine.

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