BGR-34 launched in Punjab, newspaper coverage

Feb 23 , 2016


Aimil Healthcare

BGR-34 launched in Punjab, newspaper coverage

Senior scientists of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, the National Botanical Research Institute and the Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants launch the anti-diabetic drug, BGR-34, in Chandigarh.CSIR launches ayurvedic anti-diabetic drug in Punjab

 Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, February 15

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) launched BGR-34 – country’s first anti-diabetic ayurvedic drug with DPP4 inhibitory activity, here today.

BGR-34, designed for type 2 diabetes mellitus, has been scientifically validated for its efficacy and safety. It is developed jointly by the National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and the Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), the research units of the Central Government’s CSIR, situated at Lucknow.

Passing its larger benefits to people, BGR-34 has been economically priced at Rs 5 per tablet as compared to latest DPP4 inhibitors globally. BGR-34 is now available at all major chemist shops in Chandigarh, Punjab and adjoining states.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Dr AKS Rawat, senior principal scientist, CSIR-NBRI, said, “Six crore adult Indian population is found to be diabetic and there is no effective solution for it till now. We are sure that eminent medical professionals will recommend it to their patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus for quicker and consistent response. CSIR’s premier research institutions have developed and established the efficacy of BGR-34. The modern diabetes drugs are known for side-effects and toxicity while BGR-34 works by controlling blood sugar and limiting the harmful effects of other drugs.”

The scientists of NBRI and CIMAP joined hands in developing an effective, safe and patient-friendly solution towards management of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

They had in-depth studied of over 500 renowned ancient herbs and finally identified the six best herbs listed in ayurvedic ancient texts for various ailments and indications namely Daruharidra (Berberisaristata), Giloy (Tinosporacordifolia), Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium), Gudmar (GymnemaSylvestre), Majeeth (Rubiacordifoila) and Methika (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) to be combined in different fractions and quantity and processed meticulously to develop a marvelous anti-diabetic formulation. The herbs were further subjected to optimisation studies to establish the right proportion.

Pre-clinical studies of this anti-diabetic formulation revealed significant reduction in high blood sugar level in diabetes induced experimental subjects, with the activity being comparable with the reference standard anti-diabetic allopathic drug.

Besides, the drug was found to improve LFTs, KFTs and lipid profile significantly. It also provided the much-needed pronounced antioxidant protective activity. No untoward effects were observed during the course of study.

For the purpose of quality commercial production and extended distribution, Aimil Pharmaceuticals (I) Ltd has been transferred the rights and technical know-how to produce and market it.

Find below more newspaper coverage:

BGR-34 works by controlling blood sugar and limiting the harmful effects of other drugs


BGR-34 first ayurvedic medicine for Diabetes launch in Punjab

BGR-34, available on medical stores even you can by online this medicine.

BGR-34, Herbs for diabetic healthy life

BGR-34, Medicine without any side effect for Diabetic Patient

BGR-34, Medicine without any side effect for Diabetic Patient

BGR-34, you can buy online now from our website

BGR-34, you can buy online now from our website

CSIR, scientific validated Ayurvedic anti-diabetic medicine BGR-34 launches in Punjab.

Cure for diabetes with BGR-34

Developed jointly by NBRI & CIMAP Research unit of CSIR launches scientific validated Ayurvedic anti-diabetic medicine BGR-34 in Punjab

Diabetes reviews and News

 ingredients used in BGR-34

Prevent your diabetes with BGR-34


  • 23 Feb 2016 Ankit Verma

    Hello M Chiranjeevi,
    you can buy online BGR-34 from official website :

  • 23 Feb 2016 m.chiranjeevi

    bgr-34 kaha milenge
    mo no 9423420981

  • 23 Feb 2016 arman

    is it true ?, diabetes can affect mood and thinking process. if yes than how ?

  • 23 Feb 2016 yogesh

    I read that with type 2 diabetes, the production of insulin goes down with age. Does it ever go down to nothing? Is it possible to test how much insulin my body still produces?

  • 23 Feb 2016 istkar

    dear yogesh,
    Generally speaking, no, because you are not ingesting toothpaste. However, you do want to pay attention to the ingredients in things like cough syrup and other medicaitons over the counter that may have sugar in them. Many products have sugar free versions. Always ask your pharmacist when you aren’t clear about the best product to buy for diabetes.

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